
Assembler reference

Dialect declaration

To use the assembler mode start your file with the following line:

(mod asm)


To import functions from another module use the use statement:

(use module-name)

Static variables

Static variables are variables that are directly stored inside the binary.

The assembler supports static variables of the following types:

  • int (64-bit)
  • uint (64-bit)
  • float (64-bit)
  • str
  • buffer (zero-initialized)


Static strings (str) consist of a uint representing the size of the string in bytes followed by the bytes of the string terminated by a zero-byte.

Strings are aligned to 4 bytes by appending zero-bytes to the end.

Referencing a string returns the address to the bytes of the string.


Static variables are declared like this:

(static a 10) ; int
(static b 10u) ; uint
(static c 10.0) ; float
(static d "A string") ; str
(static e (buffer 1024u)) ; buffer of size 1024


Labels are like functions though they do not have a signature and may interact with the state of the runtime in any way possible.

Labels may be public (+label) or private (-label).

Public modules can be accessed by other modules while private modules can only be accessed from the module they were declared in.


A label is declared like this:

(+label add (do
  (add r0 r0 r1)

Control flow

The assembler does conditional code execution through control flow statements.


The do statement executes multiple instructions after one another.

It looks like this:

(+label exit-failure (do
  (mov r0 1u)
  (int 4u)


The if statement executes code conditionally.

It takes one of the possible conditions (=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, =0, !0), a register with the source, and code to execute.

It can be used like this:

(+label abs (do
  (mov r1 0u)
  (cmps r1 r0 r1)
  (if >= r1 (ret))
  (mov r1 0u)
  (sub r0 r1 r0)

Here it is used with the early return pattern.


The while statement executes code while a certain condition is met.

It has a syntax similar to the one of an if statement:

(+label factorial (do
  (mov r1 1u)
  (while !0 r0 (do
    (mul r1 r0 r1)
    (sub r0 r0 1u)
  (mov r0 r1)


Alternatively to the while loop you can use a do-while loop.

The difference is that for the do-while loop the first iteration is executed always.

Additionally the syntax is a bit different:

(+label test (do
  ; ...
  (do-while (do
    ; ...
  ) !0 r0)
  ; ...


  • add Xdst Xlhs u17
    • Add u17 to Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed and unsigned integers
  • add Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Add Xrhs to Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed and unsigned integers
  • sub Xdst Xlhs u17
    • Subtract u17 from Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed and unsigned integers
  • sub Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Subtract Xrhs from Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed and unsigned integers
  • mul Xdst Xlhs u17
    • Multiply Xlhs by u17 and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed and unsigned integers
  • mul Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Multiply Xlhs by Xrhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed and unsigned integers
  • div Xdst Xlhs u17
    • Divide Xlhs by u17 and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports unsigned integers only
  • div Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Divide Xlhs by Xrhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports unsigned integers only
  • rem Xdst Xlhs u17
    • Store the remainder of Xlhs and u17 in Xdst
    • Supports unsigned integers only
  • rem Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Store the remainder of Xlhs and Xrhs in Xdst
    • Supports unsigned integers only
  • divs Xdst Xlhs i17
    • Divide Xlhs by i17 and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed integers only
  • divs Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Divide Xlhs by Xrhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed integers only
  • rems Xdst Xlhs i17
    • Store the remainder of Xlhs and i17 in Xdst
    • Supports signed integers only
  • rems Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Store the remainder of Xlhs and Xrhs in Xdst
    • Supports signed integers only
  • mov Xdst u22
    • Move u22 into Xdst
  • mov Xdst Xsrc
    • Move Xsrc into Xdst
  • movs Xdst i22
    • Move i22 into Xdst with sign extension
  • shl Xdst Xlhs u11
    • Move Xlhs shifted left by u11 into Xdst
  • shl Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Move Xlhs shifted left by Xrhs into Xdst
  • shr Xdst Xlhs u11
    • Move Xlhs shifted right by u11 into Xdst
  • shr Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Move Xlhs shifted right by Xrhs into Xdst
  • shrs Xdst Xlhs u11
    • Move Xlhs arithmetically shifted right by u11 into Xdst
  • shrs Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Move Xlhs arithmetically shifted right by Xrhs into Xdst
  • ldrb Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Load 8 bits from address Xsrc with offset i11 into Xdst
  • ldrh Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Load 16 bits from address Xsrc with offset i11 into Xdst
  • ldrw Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Load 32 bits from address Xsrc with offset i11 into Xdst
  • ldr Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Load 64 bits from address Xsrc with offset i11 into Xdst
  • strb Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Store 8 bits from Xsrc to address Xdst with offset i11
  • strh Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Store 16 bits from Xsrc to address Xdst with offset i11
  • strw Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Store 32 bits from Xsrc to address Xdst with offset i11
  • str Xdst Xsrc i11
    • Store 64 bits from Xsrc to address Xdst with offset i11
  • int 16u
    • Interrupt the runtime with code u16
  • ncall u21
    • Call a native function with id u21
  • ncall Xid
    • Call a native function with id Xid
  • vcall u21
    • Call a virtual function with id u21
  • vcall Xid
    • Call a virtual function with id Xid
  • addf Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Add the float Xrhs to the float Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
  • subf Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Subtract the float Xrhs from the float Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
  • mulf Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Multiply the float Xrhs by the float Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
  • divf Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Divide the float Xrhs by the float Xlhs and store the result in Xdst
  • and Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Move Xlhs & Xrhs into Xdst (bitwise and)
  • or Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Move Xlhs | Xrhs into Xdst (bitwise or)
  • xor Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Move Xlhs ^ Xrhs into Xdst (bitwise xor)
  • cmp Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Compare Xlhs and Xrhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports unsigned integers only
  • cmps Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Compare Xlhs and Xrhs and store the result in Xdst
    • Supports signed integers only
  • cmpf Xdst Xlhs Xrhs
    • Compare the float Xlhs and the float Xrhs and store the result in Xdst
  • not Xdst Xsrc
    • Move !Xsrc into Xdst (bitwise not)
  • fti Xdst Xsrc
    • Move the float Xsrc converted to an integer into Xdst
  • itf Xdst Xsrc
    • Move the integer Xsrc converted to a float into Xdst
  • ldbo Xdst
    • Load the address of the first byte after the binary header into Xdst
  • ldpc Xdst
    • Load the program counter into Xdst
  • zero Xdst
    • Move zero into Xdst
  • dbg Xreg
    • Debug print the integer Xreg
  • inc Xreg
    • Increment the integer Xreg
  • nop
    • Do nothing
  • halt
    • Halt the runtime
  • ret
    • Return from a call
  • crash
    • Insert an invalid opcode and crash the runtime dumping the register contents
  • ref Xdst <static variable> or lea Xdst <static variable>
    • Load the effective address of a static variable into Xdst

Code reference

Work in progress

Dialect declaration

To use the code dialect start the module file with this line:

(mod code)


To import other modules use the use keyword:

(use module-name)

You can also import multiple modules at once:

(use module-a module-b)

Static variables

Static variables are variables that belong to the global state and are independent from function calls.

The following types are supportet for static variables:

  • int: 64-bit signed integer
  • uint: 64-bit unsigned integer
  • float: 64-bit floating point number
  • str: a string of text
  • buffer: a fixed size buffer filled with a specific byte
  • int-array: an array of 64-bit signed integers
  • uint-array: an array of 64-bit unsigned integers
  • float-array: an array of 64-bit floating point numbers


Static variables are declared at module-level like this:

(static my-variable 42)

Multiple variables can also be declared in one statement:

  a "Hello world!"
  b 500


Buffers have the following syntax:

{16} ; length = 16, fill-byte = 0
{-7 10} ; length = 10, fill-byte = -7


Arrays are represented by its elements enclosed by square brackets:

[1 2 3 4 5] ; signed integers
[1u 2 3 4 5] ; unsigned integers
[1.0 2.0 3.0] ; floats